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Family Group Sheet

Angelo Clavelli-18673517,7788,7790,7793,7794,7795,7796,7797,7798,7799,7800
BIRTHcalculated 1864Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy7801
OCCUPATION24 January 1895Calzolaio; 7798
OCCUPATION4 April 1911Calzolaio; 7793
DEATH12 March 1930Via Francescantonio Clavelli 29, Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy7801
OCCUPATION Commerciante; 7801
MARRIAGE7 February 1892Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy3517
RESIDENCE (FAM)1 April 1911Via San Giacomo 17, Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy7793
FATHERFrancescantonio Chiaviello-3105
MOTHERGiustina Perrotta-3104
Giuseppina Campanaro-18683517,7788,7790,7793,7794,7795,7796,7797,7798,7799,7800
BIRTH23 October 1873Strada Rupe, Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy7802
DEATH22 April 1957Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy7802
FATHERDonato Campanaro-4652
MOTHERFaustina Grazia Bamonte-4653
1.Celestina Teresina Maria Antonia Giustina Clavelli-147957799  FEMALE
 BIRTH1 December 1892Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy7799
DEATH11 January 1894Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy7803

2.Francescantonio Emilio Clavelli-144477798  MALE
 BIRTH22 January 1895Vicolo San Giacomo 14, Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy7798
MILITARY191622 Reggimento Fanteria 3° Battaglione; 7804
DEATH16 May 1916 7804

3.Celestina Elena Clavelli-131737794,7797  FEMALE
 BIRTH13 January 1898Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy7794,7797
MARRIAGE25 July 1935Nicola Giovanni Smaldone-13099; Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy7794

4.Teresina Clavelli-18667788,7790  FEMALE
 BIRTH19 February 1900Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy7790
MARRIAGE5 February 1921Giambattista Nicola Fiorentino Smaldone-14226; Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy7788

5.Giustino Angelo Nicola Clavelli-136887796  MALE
 BIRTH13 January 1903Via San Giacomo 17, Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy7796
DEATH5 March 1904Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy7805

6.Edvige Lorenzina Flavia Clavelli-134297795  FEMALE
 BIRTH10 August 1907Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy7795
DEATH12 August 1908Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy7806

7.Nicola Giustino Flavio Clavelli-130947800,7807  MALE
 BIRTH9 November 1908Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy7807
DEATH28 March 1934Via Francescantonio Clavelli 29, Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy7800
OCCUPATION Possidente; 7800

8.Giustino Flavio Clavelli-125627793  MALE
 BIRTH1 April 1911Via San Giacomo 17, Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy7793
DEATH25 October 1912Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy7808

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