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Family Group Sheet

Gennaro Costantino-80082,577,681,2157,2501,4094,4095,4096,4097,4104,4105,4106,4107,4108,4109,4110,4111,4112,4113,4114,4115,4116,4117,4118,4119,4120,4121
BIRTH1759 4108
BIRTH1762 4120,4122
BIRTH1764 4111,4123
MISC22 September 1820He reported his granddaughter's death; Casa Comunale, Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies4120
DEATH8 September 1823Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies4122,4124
MARRIAGE  681,4110,4121
FATHERPaolo Costantino-11945
MOTHERCarminella Tancredi-1178
Maria Poto-80182,577,681,4094,4095,4097,4104,4105,4107,4109,4110,4111,4121,4123
BIRTH1759 4108
BIRTH1763 4111,4123
DEATHafter 7 September 1819 674
FATHERCarmine Poto-1023
1.Giovanni Costantino-69832154,2163,4104,4106,4113,4124,4125  MALE
 BIRTHcalculated 1776 2157
BIRTHcalculated 1777 4113
BIRTHcalculated 1783 4126
BIRTH1784Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies4104
BIRTH1786 3445,4125
RESIDENCE25 August 1809Strada di Santo Vecchio, Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies4125
OCCUPATION25 August 1809Campese; Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies4125
MISC20 April 1824He reported the death of his nephew, Antonio Costantino.; Casa Comunale, Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies4127
DEATH18 July 1830He died in his home, at hour 16.; Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies680,2163,3445,4104,4106,4124,4128,4129
OCCUPATION Campese; 2164,4107,4130,4131
MARRIAGE Palma Grieco-6984; 2157

2.Paulo Costantino-107014116,4117,4119,4132,4133,4134,4135,4136,4137  MALE
 BIRTHcalculated 1781 4118
BIRTH1786Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies4116
BIRTHcalculated 1787 4117
BIRTHcalculated 1790 4132,4133
OCCUPATION17 June 1812Pastore; Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies4116
DEATH17 August 1824Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies4138
MARRIAGE Maria Scaramella-10702; 4116,4117,4132,4133

3.Carmina Costantino-94182,2454,4111,4112,4139,4140  FEMALE
 BIRTH16 May 1790Castelluccia, Salerno4111,4141
BIRTHcalculated 1797 4112,4140
DEATH1 October 1843Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies2454,4105,4139
MARRIAGE15 June 1815Giuseppe Tancredi-940; Casa Comunale, Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies4111

4.Cosmo Costantino-7984094,4095,4096  MALE
 BIRTH26 September 1792Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies4094,4095
DEATH24 August 1812Strada Santo Nicola, Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies4097
MARRIAGE8 November 1810Eleonora Chiumiento-799; Casa Comunale, Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies4094,4095

5.Feliciantonia Costantino-99114142  FEMALE
 BIRTHcalculated 1790Castelcivita, Principato Citeriore4142
BIRTH4 November 1794Castelluccia, Salerno4143
DEATH26 December 1870Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy4142
MARRIAGE2 February 1815Michelangelo Tancredi-7374; Casa Comunale, Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies4123,4143

6.Nicola Costantino-997577,910,2392,2500,2501,4108,4110,4114,4115,4144  MALE
 BIRTH22 May 1797Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies4108,4110
OCCUPATION12 August 1845Campese; 2399
DEATH13 June 1859Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies4145
MARRIAGE11 April 1818Angela Antonia Lucia-998; Santo Nicola, Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies4108,4146

7.Grazia Costantino-5025431,577,3731,4109,4147,4148,4149,4150,4151,4152,4153  FEMALE
 BIRTHcalculated 1789Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies4154
BIRTHcalculated 1797 4151,4153
BIRTH11 October 1799Castelluccia, Salerno4109,4121
DEATH12 December 1875Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy4154
MARRIAGE19 October 1818Diego Tortorelli-5024; Santo Nicola, Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies4109,4121

8.Michele Costantino-273431,573,625,674,675,676,677  MALE
 BIRTH2 November 1801Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies678
DEATH8 May 1864Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy679,680
DEATHbefore 6 October 1866 573
DEATHbefore 13 June 1867 675
MARRIAGE7 September 1819Maria Magliano-274; Castelluccia, Principato Citra, Two Sicilies674,681

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