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Family Group Sheet

Alfonso Spera-322610922,10923,10924,10925,10926,10927,10928,10929,10930
BIRTH21 July 1873Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy10931,10932
DEATH12 February 1927Napoli Porto, Napoli, Napoli, Campania, Italy10931
MARRIAGE27 September 1900Married by Edward J. Holland, Justice of the Peace, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States of America10922,10930
FATHERLuigi Spera-3380
MOTHERRaffaela Zonzi-2499
Angiolina Pino-322710923,10925,10926,10927,10928,10929,10930
BIRTHcalculated 1882Saponara, Messina, Sicily, Italy10924
DEATH16 September 1946Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy10924
FATHERSanto Pino-3228
MOTHERPaola Urbana-3229
1.Vincenza Raffaela Amneris Spera-1345110928  FEMALE
 BIRTH2 July 1901Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States of America10928
CHR1 September 1901Sacred Heart Church, 12 North Square, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States of America10928

2.Luigi Spera-1320810926,10929  MALE
 BIRTH23 February 1906Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy10926,10929
MARRIAGE26 December 1938Filomena Nicolina Rosa Cantalupo-12368; Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy10926

3.Giacomo Enrico Ernesto Spera-1341310927  MALE
 BIRTH13 April 1907Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy10927

4.Ernesto Vladimiro Ugo Spera-1298210925  MALE
 BIRTH28 February 1909Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy10925
MARRIAGE14 May 1956Caterina Alonzo-12983; 10925

5.Flora Aida Amelia Leila Spera-1237210923  FEMALE
 BIRTH5 February 1913Castelcivita, Salerno, Campania, Italy10923

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